Self Interview - Context
Q. What is the context of your work?
A. I am an explorer. I am as curious as an explorer and scientist. I experiment like a scientist to satisfy this curiosity. I collect objects to study, to make connections and to understand.
Everything in the universe is created from star dust. I am inspired by natural forms, I create objects which emulate these forms and growth patterns. These are my artefacts. These objects are a result of my existence and my curiosity.
I collect and study these artefacts. I display my objects like a historical explorer/scientist/archaeologist/geologist would.
I am interested and attracted to old scientific instruments - brass and glass. This would also explain my attraction to circles - armillary spheres, astrolabes, compasses, sextants - all fascinating and beautiful.
I love science. I love learning how things work/grow/react. Using old fashioned tools feels more involved, more a part of the process because it is more manual and less technical.